Latest fromAsset sales

Deficit sinks to 4-year low
The Government's deficit shrank to $4.4 billion in the year to June, the smallest it has been for four years.

Share notices sent to junk folders
A glitch means some Mighty River Power shareholders have yet to receive notification of how many shares they bought during the company's float.

Stock Takes: Research overload
Potential investors in Meridian Energy have plenty of reading material.

Editorial: Solid Energy shows pitfalls of public ownership
Editorial: The Green Party has called the Government's bail-out of Solid Energy "privatisation by stealth". Would that it were so.

Banks take shares in Solid Energy
After having its "for sale" sign removed when it almost collapsed this year, state-owned coalminer Solid Energy will be partially privatised in a restructuring deal.

Brian Rudman: Asset-sales referendum a gift for Cunliffe
Labour's new leader, David Cunliffe, is having something of a dream run, writes Brian Rudman. For nearly a month, the party's leadership roadshow dominated the political news headlines.

Solid Energy gets $100m Govt loan
The Government has loaned stricken state owned coal miner Solid Energy $100 million as part of a restructuring package announced this morning.

Ballot won't stop asset sales - PM
John Key says the result of next month's referendum on asset sales will be interesting - but won't halt his partial sale of power companies and Air NZ.

Govt sets date for asset sale referendum
Prime Minister John Key has confirmed the Citizens Initiated Referendum over asset sales will take place in late November and early December this year.

Early demand for Meridian
The Government says there has been strong early demand for its Meridian share offer, which opens today.

'Strong interest' in shares
Close to half of the Meridian share offer has been claimed by New Zealand retail investors ahead of the offer opening tomorrow.

Brian Gaynor: Political risk at the heart of Meridian Energy float
Meridian Energy's IPO is all about political risk.

Meridian Energy float cost may hit $41.5m
The Government has driven a harder bargain in setting the fees for selling up to 49 per cent of Meridian Energy.

Reports to power Meridian float
The Shareholders Association has welcomed a move by the stock exchange to help fund independent research on the Meridian Energy sharemarket float.

Govt Air NZ selldown still in hangar
The Government is still working through the best way to sell down its stake in Air New Zealand but says it will be a faster sales process than the power companies.

Meridian listing due next month
The Government's decision to move earlier than signalled on the Meridian Energy float shows there is positive interest in the float but pricing will remain key

Meridian listing date announced
The Government has today announced a timeline for the Meridian float, in which it hopes to raise around $2.3 billion.

Treasury rejected Tiwai Point plan
Treasury advised the Government not to pay the owners of the Tiwai Point smelter to keep the business running, documents released this afternoon show.