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Global market looking this way

Global market looking this way

UBS NZ investment banking head Nick Ross says the NZ capital markets haven't been as vibrant as they have been lately for about 20 years, pointing to a "weight of money" which is now seeking investment alternatives.

Investing in shares - Beginner's guide Part 3

Investing in shares - Beginner's guide Part 3

Today we launch part three of our latest video series, a beginner's guide to investing in shares. How do I choose which companies to invest in? What does it mean to have a diversified portfolio? And who looks after my shares?

Power plan an 'ambush'

Power plan an 'ambush'

New Zealand's leading business lobby groups say the Labour Party and the Greens have "ambushed" businesses with their controversial electricity policy which they claim sets a "disturbing precedent" for further intervention.