Latest fromAssault and Homicide

Winz shootings: Hundreds expected for memorial
Hundreds of people are expected to gather for a public memorial service this week dedicated to the victims and survivors of last Monday's Work and Income shootings.

Bomb threat hoax targets Foxton Winz
An investigation is underway after a bomb threat hoax at the Foxton Work and Income office last night.

Charges against Tostee 'weak' - Judge
An Australian man charged with the murder of a NZ woman has had his bail application adjourned, with a judge describing the charges against him as "weak".

Winz victim farewelled
More than 600 people gathered in the Ashburton Event Centre today to celebrate the life of Peg Noble, one of two women shot to death in Ashburton's Work and Income building.

Winz killings: Suspect's bike found
Police investigating the double fatal Work and Income shooting in Ashburton say they have found a mountainbike and personal items which may belong to the suspect.

Kerre McIvor: Embattled Winz staff need everyone's help
The tragic shooting of three women at the Winz office in Ashburton on Monday was shocking. Two women were killed and one is still in a serious condition in hospital.

NZ woman 'pleaded' before plunge
New Zealand woman Warriena "Rrie" Wright was allegedly taunted and gasped for air in the seconds before she plunged 14 storeys to her death on the Gold Coast last month.

First day of spring heralded a tragedy
The morning began like all others for three women in the Winz office.

Moment of silence for Ashburton victims
Public servants will observe two minutes of silence at 9.51am on Monday to remember those who lost their lives a week earlier in the Ashburton Work and Income shootings.

Winz killings: Police appeal to public to help locate bike
Ashburton police are appealing to the public to help them locate a black mountain bike and any other items belonging to alleged Winz double murderer Russell John Tully.

Funeral for Winz victim next week
The funeral of slain Winz worker Peggy Noble will be held on Monday in Ashburton.

Police kept quiet on 'missing' shotgun
Police investigating the Work and Income murders had possession of the alleged shooter's gun for two days before telling the public they had located it.

Winz killings: Candlelit vigil for victims
About 300 people holding candles of hope wrapped their arms around one another and grieved for Peg Noble and Leigh Cleveland at a vigil near Ashburton's Winz office.

Winz visitor had narrow escape
A woman who was supposed to be at the Ashburton Work and Income office for a 9am appointment is counting her lucky stars she was late.

A man accused of savagely beating a parking warden is defending allegations against him, claiming he was not the aggressor.

Memorial service for victims
A public memorial service will be held in Ashburton in the next few days to pay tribute to Winz shooting victims Leigh Cleveland and Peggy Noble.

CCTV captures shooting buildup
Chilling new details have emerged about the terrifying moments when three women were shot at Ashburton's Work and Income office.

Ex-Winz worker: Clients often get angry
Half the people who walk into Work and Income offices get turned down for something and usually get upset, a former frontline worker says.

Balcony victim's mum 'can't stop crying'
Rrie Wright’s mum says she can’t stop crying since her daughter’s shocking death after falling from a Gold Coast balcony.

Teen killer to be freed after nine months
A teenager who accidentally shot and killed his best friend will be freed after nine months in prison following an emotional plea for early release.

Top cop decision queried
A senior policeman is under pressure to explain his decision not to prosecute a school principal.

Ex-boyfriend named as likely killer
A year after Auckland couple Glenys Stanton and Trevor Waite were gunned down in bed together police have revealed the findings of the investigation into the murders.

Auckland man arrested in cold case
A man who lived in New Zealand for 13 years under a false identity was arrested yesterday in connection with a killing in Switzerland 14 years ago.

Elderly couple beaten by axe-wielding son, court hears
An elderly couple were beaten in their own home by an axe handle-wielding son, a court heard today.