Officers who fatally shot Stephon Clark will not be charged
The 22-year-old unarmed black man was shot last year, setting off protests.
The 22-year-old unarmed black man was shot last year, setting off protests.
Malcolm Rewa will appeal after being found guilty of killing Susan Burdett.
The family of slain teen Eli Holtz speak out after his killer is sentenced.
The man who fatally assaulted Eli Holtz has been jailed for seven years.
Police launched a homicide investigation after a 59-year-old woman died.
Man with "Devast8" tattooed on his face has been convicted of assaulting a pregnant woman.
Gustav Sanft was toying with a modified shotgun when he killed his daughter.
Investigators have been seen putting up tarpaulins, and one arrest has been made.
Malcolm Rewa's stepmother makes a heartfelt apology to Susan Burdett's family.
Braunias on the trial of Malcolm Rewa, finally found guilty of Susan Burdett's murder.
The 25-year-old was granted further interim name suppression by Justice Robert Dobson
We are the lucky ones. We are the survivors. But Susan Burdett was not so lucky.
'Today is your day Susan. Victory for you.'
The assault that took place about 2am on Wednesday, on Galloway St.
The murder of Susan Burdett is one of New Zealand's most infamous cases.
"This case is not about what you might think of [Malcolm Rewa] as a person."
But the defence says Susan Burdett's son had "means, motive and opportunity" to kill.
Victim said: "I've got something to tell you and I don't want you to tell anyone else."
Family violence campaigner David White is touring 71 electorates in 71 days.
COMMENT: Steve Braunias on a week in court at the murder trial of Malcolm Rewa.
Malcolm Rewa's third trial over the death of Susan Burdett is now in its fifth day.
The jury pondered: "Photo 33 has a cockatiel in a cage but not in photos 32 and 37."
Judge says murder was calculated, planned and had a high degree of cruelty and depravity.
Not a single sound was recorded during the 28-minute crime scene video.
Malcolm Rewa is on trial for murder but the jury wanted to know the fate of a bird.
Harrowing details of a bloody but odd and "very orderly" crime scene has been revealed.
Aaron Roigard's body has never been found.
Shannon Shelby Baker was found dead inside his home in December, 2018.
Rewa murder case has resemblance to the Lundy trial.
Malcolm Rewa is on trial for a third time, accused of murdering Susan Burdett in 1992.