Latest fromAsia

Horror video of Flight 5735: Claims pilots 'passed out' before crash
The crash caused a blaze so massive it could be seen from space.

Hong Kong's zero-Covid strategy falls into chaos and confusion
New York Times: The city's worsening outbreak has led to seesawing virus policies.

Aussie's Bali holiday turns to horror story over small passport mistake
The devastated traveller was banned from boarding over a strict regulation.

Bali-bound Aussies caught out by challenging travel requirements
Aussies can now fly direct to Bali, but that doesn't mean it's easy.

US official: Russia seeking military aid from China
Top aides for the US and Chinese governments are set to meet in Rome on Tuesday

Why women are travelling to South Korea to find love
If you think Tinder is hard work, try flying to South Korea to find a man.

Here are the most Covid-resilient destinations for travel
Ready to travel? Some destinations are safer than others according to this study.

Here's where you can find the world's cheapest Michelin-starred restaurant
With $35, you can dine like a top-shelf foodie.

Putin poised to unleash 'father of all bombs' in Ukraine conflict
It's one of war's most brutal weapons - pulling oxygen out of the air.

Sweet as! Will ice cream be NZ's export bonanza?
Ice cream is tipped as New Zealand's next big export hope but not all manufacturers agree.

Would you spend a night in a Japanese 'Love Hotel'?
Need a quiet hour (or 12) with your lover? Just book into one of Japan's 'Love Hotels'.

Paris calling: Govt Minister on invitation list as US, China ignored
Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta travels to Paris this month for forum on the Indo-Pacific.

Kathmandu expects to take a hard hit on its first-half profit
Retail disruptions caused by the pandemic and overseas factory shutdowns to hit retailer.

This country beat New Zealand as 'most beautiful in the world'
Do you think this popular holiday destination beats New Zealand's beaches and mountains?

Health minister wants Thailand to 'enjoy the benefits' of cannabis
Thailand's Public Health Minister hopes to remove stigma surrounding the drug.

A Life in Travel: Writer, director and actor Chye-Ling Huang
Taxi driving grandmothers and Melbourne break-ups have shaped Chye-Ling Huang's travels.

'Genocide Games': China's treatment of Uighurs shined upon before Olympics
Controversy as spotlight on the host country's treatment of ethnic minorities.

Billions travel for Lunar New Year against government advice
Government advice is ignored as hundreds of millions of people travel for holiday.

Gwynne Dyer: A magic number in the politics of population
OPINION: By 2100, more than half world's population will be in the Middle East and Africa.

China sticks with Covid elimination, but for how long?
New York Times: China is going to extreme lengths to quell outbreaks.

Tourist Taxes: Countries that will charge visitors extra in 2022
Where will you be hit with a tourist tax and why?

Corners cut in controversial restoration of Silk Road city
Amateur restorations of the ancient city's hieroglyphs resulted in gibberish.

15 'overrated' destinations travellers think you should avoid
Get your bucket list out, some destinations may not make the cut.

Kiwi in Kazakhstan: 'Looting, shooting and beheadings in the main street'
OPINION: A New Zealander in Kazakhstan writes of the confusion amid a violent uprising.

China cancels US flights after passengers test positive for Covid-19
China dishes out cancellations after US flights deliver Covid-19 positive passengers.

Truck dangles off 100-metre cliff after following GPS along narrow cliff road
You may think twice about blindly following GPS instructions.

Kazakhstan riots: 164 reported killed
Deaths include 16 police or national guard and a four-year-old girl.

India's rising Omicron wave brings a grim sense of déjà vu
New York Times: As the new variant spreads, frustration and fatigue intensify.

Devastating consequence of war: Parents selling children shows desperation of Afghanistan
Many of Afghanistan's growing number of destitute people are making desperate decisions.