Latest fromASB Bank Limited
ASB lifts interest rates - first bank to move
ASB Bank has become the first big bank to lift its interest rates - and it says there are more to come.
<i>Bernard Hickey: </i> Why house prices will fall 15 per cent
New Zealand's housing market is running out of puff.
Bank deal to remain secret
A former prostitute, who was paid $2.5 million by ASB fraudster Stephen Versalko, was in the Auckland High Court this week to make a deal with the bank over the money.
Online support for Versalko prostitute readers have shown strong support for a prostitute being sued by ASB for the money she was given by fraudster Stephen Versalko.
ASB, prostitute wrestle over Versalko fraud payments
ASB Bank is trying to reclaim up to $2.55 million given by convicted bank fraudster Stephen Versalko to an Auckland prostitute, during his nine year scam.
Five gamechangers for our capital markets?
The Capital Markets taskforce believes New Zealand could double the size of its public markets in five years - with a little ambition. Here's some of the potential game changers.
ASB fraudster told to repay millions
The High Court orders an ASB Bank adviser to repay millions of dollars stolen from his employer.
<i>Bernard Hickey:</i> Cheers for Sam Knowles
Sam Knowles deserves an awful lot of credit for leading the creation of a large and worthy institution that has shaken up the banking industry for the benefit of consumers.
'Unconscionable' for escort to have kept stolen money - ASB
The ASB is suing an escort to recover some of the $17.8 million stolen by fraudster Stephen Versalko over nine years.
NZ investors' love affair with property fades
NZ investors are not as keen on property, says a new report, with managed funds and KiwiSaver growing in popularity.
Versalko's $18m fraud revealed in a day
Stephen Versalko duped ASB Bank customers into parting with $18mby writing dodgy statements that didn't even carry the bank's logo.
NZ asks FBI to help nail hackers
FBI called in investigate an international cyber-crime syndicate that hacked into a carpark to steal credit card details from customers.
Don't be fooled by GST hike sales boom, says bank
Businesses have been warned not to misread any pre-GST tax hike sales boom.