Latest fromASB Bank Limited
ASB faces headwinds despite result
ASB Bank boss Barbara Chapman is hoping the bank will continue its strong growth run but says it faces headwinds as borrowers switch to fixed mortgage rates .
KiwiSaver funds: Oz dragging the chain
Most major KiwiSaver providers say they are ready to start accepting transtasman super transfers but their Aussie counterparts aren't playing ball.
Cheap loan clicks with punters
A mortgage interest rate below 2.48 per cent, determined by the number of "likes" the promotion gets on Facebook, is the latest bank bid to generate customers.
Stock Takes: Mad Butcher's listing details due soon
A prospectus for the Mad Butcher's back door listing is expected to be out next week...
ASB will fight fee claims, says owner
Commonwealth Bank of Australia boss Ian Narev says his bank and its New Zealand subsidiary ASB will vigorously defend accusations of unfair and illegal default fees levelled by a legal consortium.
Long-term mortgage rates war
Banks are slashing their long-term mortgage rates, with customers tied up for longer periods likely to save thousands.
ASB cuts mortgage rates
ASB Bank has today announced reductions to its three, four and five-year fixed home loan rates.
Banks offer sweet deals
Banks are going into battle for new customers with free tablet computers, contributions to house painting and cash handouts all up for grabs.
ANZ betting on 'power of two'
ANZ Bank sees no rush of customers to rivals with death of National brand.
Independence key to IT fix-it firm
Industry veterans rely on selling their expertise, not hardware or software.
Big bank profits the price for stability - Bollard
The four Australian-owned banks earn more out of NZ than banks in most other countries, but that's the price of a sound financial system, says Alan Bollard.