Turning parks in wonderlands
Ella Mizrahi and Celia Harrison are bringing Auckland to life - their events company, Celery Productions.
Ella Mizrahi and Celia Harrison are bringing Auckland to life - their events company, Celery Productions.
A visiting world-renowned French prehistorian has backed calls to protect New Zealand's Maori rock art, describing some of our centuries-old works as powerful.
It was an astute piece of marketing on the part of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra to launch its 2013 season with Tan Dun conducting his Martial Arts Trilogy.
The 19th century novels I still like give a strong sense of demanding to be read aloud to an audience. But by 1950, I would say, that lingering expectation of how a novel delivers had changed, in most languages and even most genres.
All sorts of unexpected, unsettling things happen in these 30 short stories. In Phoenix, Arizona, jobless Victor heads south with his nation's worst-ever storyteller to reclaim parental remains.
Graham Reid gets his fill of fine food and fascinating art on an uncrowded island.
A previously unknown short story written by Katherine Mansfield will be unveiled at the National Library in Wellington today.
This fishing fleet has nothing to do with cod or snapper. It’s a witty, whimsical account of the boatloads of British belles, who, from the mid-18th century to the mid-20th century, were shipped out to India to marry English males.
Compare these two statements. "If the foreign forces are ready to leave our country ... then we can help them. But if they insist on continuing the war, we don't have any other way than fighting." An Afghan warlord, speaking in 2009.
A chance discovery may have unlocked the secrets behind one of the most notorious nudes in art history after a 19th-century portrait was unearthed in a bric-a-brac shop.
Jeny Curnow was widely known as the wife of the celebrated poet Allen Curnow but she was a remarkable and gifted person in her own right.