T.J. McNamara: Vivid impact of metal crosses
Simple forms given power by Bambury's chemical wizardry.
Simple forms given power by Bambury's chemical wizardry.
They say life imitates art. But sometimes, it appears, it imitates artists.
Papers show budget for artwork on Auckland's Queens Wharf now scaled back to $1.5m - still $500K more than was originally planned. And it won't be finished on time either.
Groupe F’s latest extravaganza opens newly ‘annualised’ arts event in March.
The Hairy Maclary sculpture project planned for Tauranga's redeveloped waterfront is closing in on its fundraising target.
An inflatable “Christmas tree” erected in Paris is making passers-by feel a little uncomfortable.
NZ Herald Online is proud to help bring you If These Walls Could Talk - a collection of stories about people who like to paint walls. Please be aware these is some colourful language- discretion advised
The series of mini documentaries follow street artists Askew One, Benjamin Work, BMD, Elliot Francis Stewart and Mica Still as they take us into the heart of their creative worlds.
If These Walls Could Talk is made with the help of NZ On Air through their Ignite Digital Media Fund. Visit the If These Walls Could Talk site here for more information.
NZ Herald Online is proud to help bring you If These Walls Could Talk - a collection of stories about people who like to paint walls. Please be aware these is some colourful language- discretion advised
The series of mini documentaries follow street artists Askew One, Benjamin Work, BMD, Elliot Francis Stewart and Mica Still as they take us into the heart of their creative worlds.
If These Walls Could Talk is made with the help of NZ On Air through their Ignite Digital Media Fund. Visit the If These Walls Could Talk site here for more information.
NZ Herald Online is proud to help bring you If These Walls Could Talk - a collection of stories about people who like to paint walls. Please be aware these is some colourful language- discretion advised
The series of mini documentaries follow street artists Askew One, Benjamin Work, BMD, Elliot Francis Stewart and Mica Still as they take us into the heart of their creative worlds.
If These Walls Could Talk is made with the help of NZ On Air through their Ignite Digital Media Fund. Visit the If These Walls Could Talk site here for more information.
NZ Herald Online is proud to help bring you If These Walls Could Talk - a collection of stories about people who like to paint walls. Please be aware these is some colourful language- discretion advised
The series of mini documentaries follow street artists Askew One, Benjamin Work, BMD, Elliot Francis Stewart and Mica Still as they take us into the heart of their creative worlds.
If These Walls Could Talk is made with the help of NZ On Air through their Ignite Digital Media Fund. Visit the If These Walls Could Talk site here for more information.
$50,000 winner cuts through exhibition system like a knife, says judge.
Tauranga artist has put her cement "Last Supper" sculpture on Trade Me for $10 million. It's just "waiting for the right place to stand for all to see!"
Booker-prize-winning author admits she thought about killing the British PM when she found herself within shooting range of her in 1983.
By the end of his career, Turner exhibited less frequently, received fewer commissions, and retreated into his work.
Leonard Cohen celebrates his 80th birthday on Sunday and releases a new album next week. He talks to Neil McCormick about what keeps him going.
A world record has been set at auction for a piece of Maori art, which fetched more than $2 million.
The roof of a school's library entrance will be only the second public structure designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser in the Southern Hemisphere.