Latest fromArmed Forces

UK 'ran renegade torture unit in Iraq'
Fresh evidence has emerged that British military intelligence ran a secret operation in Iraq which authorised degrading and unlawful treatment of prisoners.

Television invasion hoax hits raw nerve
A terrifyingly realistic report on Georgian TV - simulating a massive invasion by Russia - caused widespread panic in the country.

Kiwi war hero inspired by fallen commander
An emotional hospital-bed email has revealed how the heroics of a Kiwi soldier who saved the lives of two comrades under heavy Taleban gunfire were inspired by his fallen commander.

Father praises NZ soldier's 'courageous act'
The father of a NZ soldier in Afghanistan, who saved two British colleagues from a live grenade, says he's "just glad (his son) came out of it".

NZer hailed as hero after Taleban grenade attack
The actions of a quick thinking NZ soldier save the lives of two British Army colleagues during a Taleban grenade attack in Afghanistan.

Home base riskiest place for troops
Defence Force troops are less likely to be injured on missions in war-torn Afghanistan and Iraq than they are at home base.

Air force's new $770m helicopter cops harsh criticism
A military helicopter at the centre of a $770 million NZ Air Force upgrade has copped harsh criticism in a German Army report.