Latest fromArmed Forces

PM reveals SAS role in busting terror cell
NZ SAS troops took part in an operation in Kabul that saw a terror cell busted and a quarter tonne of explosives seized, John Key told media during his secret visit to Afghanistan.

PM's secret sortie
Wearing body armour and a helmet, Prime Minister John Key has spent the past three days in war-torn Afghanistan on a top-secret visit to NZ troops.

Thai Cabinet holds emergency meeting
Thailand's Cabinet is due to hold an emergency meeting in the face of unrelenting anti-government street protests.

Thai protesters storm major hospital
A major hospital has evacuated patients and suspended all but emergency surgery.

Iroquois crash: Prince William 'shocked'
Prince William sends his condolences to the Defence Force after the Anzac Day crash.

PM visits survivor of Iroquois tragedy
John Key spent half an hour in Wellington Hospital with the only survivor of the Anzac Day Iroquois crash on the eve of the funeral for his three colleagues.

Full military funeral for Anzac crash victims
The Air Force crewmen killed in an Anzac Day crash were farewelled at a full military funeral in Ohakea this afternoon.

South Asia becomes centre of violence
Increases in terror attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan triggered a spike in the number of civilians killed or wounded there last year.

Sailor bashed, war medals stolen
An Australian sailor has been robbed of his service medals during a night out with navy mates over Anzac weekend.

Iroquois crewman 'a national hero' - father
The father of one of three Air Force crewmen killed in the Anzac Day Iroquois crash said his son "died doing the thing he loved."

Defence personnel to miss crash funeral
About 160 Defence Force personnel will miss the military funeral for their colleagues killed in the Anzac Day helicopter crash.

Soldier dies in road crash
A soldier and new father died in a road crash outside the Linton Army Camp yesterday - the fourth military death in two days.

Emergency turn to form part of inquiry
Investigators will try to find out if an Air Force helicopter crew was performing an emergency turn when it crashed into a hillside.

Helicopter crash survivor's long haul
The sole survivor of the worst Air Force tragedy in decades probably does not know three colleagues have died.