Latest fromArmed Forces

Obama's master of war has a way with words
David Petraeus has become Obama's third commander of the war since April last year.

How <i>Rolling Stone</i> brought down a general
Two words on journalist Michael Hasting's initial pitch to trail Stanley McChrystal appear to have tickled his PR staff's fancy: Rolling Stone.

Sacked general led secret war raids
They called it the "Death Star" because according to one source "you could just reach out with a finger and eliminate" somebody.

Australian soldiers die in Afghanistan crash
Three Australian commandos have been killed and seven injured in a helicopter crash during an early-morning operation against Taleban insurgents.

Aussie soldiers killed in helicopter crash in Afghanistan
Four soldiers, three of them Australian, have been killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.

Closure for 'Bloody Sunday' - 38 years later
Lord Saville's 12-year inquiry into 'Bloody Sunday' delivered the vindication that the people of Derry had been denied.

Navy boards burning tug
A navy damage control team has boarded a burning ocean-going tug off Northland hours after the crew abandoned ship when fire broke out in the engine room.

Stress 'excuse to quit Army early'
One of Britain's best-known soldiers has mocked claims of post-traumatic stress disorder among the armed forces.