Latest fromArmed Forces

SAS fundraiser 'sad' - Hodgson
Labour's defence spokesman Pete Hodgson says it is 'sad' the SAS is fundraising for their families.

SAS paid for 'interaction' with businessmen
Defence Minister Wayne Mapp has ordered an immediate inquiry after reports businessmen paid for sessions with the defence force's elite Special Air Service (SAS) troops.

<i>John Armstrong</i>: Military cuts robbing Peter to pay Peter
The joke doing the rounds is that there seems to be no spare cash for anything more than hiring consultants to squeeze more money out of the Defence Force's budget to hire even more expensive consultants...

Britain and France to work together
The two European superpowers, long distrustful of each other, have entered into a Defence Treaty.

Forces review to turn every stone
Every arm of the Defence Force will undergo changes to gain greater efficiency of operation from a constrained state purse, the defence white paper suggests.

<i>John Armstrong:</i> 'Let's cuddle up to Washington'
The Govt's defence white paper stresses that NZ's security is enhanced by improving bilateral relations with "like-minded" states.

'Hub' created in Defence reshuffle
Big changes are in store for the New Zealand Defence Force, as the Government looks to 'reprioritise' spending.

One day in Iraq: WikiLeaks war logs
A look at the United States war logs for one day from the WikiLeaks release, October 17, 2006, 24 chaotic hours of car bombs, kidnaps and death squads.

Brave soldier loses his final battle
New Zealand's inaugural Anzac of the Year died of cancer at his Christchurch home yesterday morning.

Wilce fired for being inept before Defence job
When Stephen Wilce submitted his CV for the job as the Defence Force's chief scientist, he failed to declare a job he had been fired from the previous year for incompetence.