New Defence Force chief announced
Army chief Major General Rhys Jones will replace Lieutenant General Jerry Mateparae as chief of the NZ Defence Force.
Army chief Major General Rhys Jones will replace Lieutenant General Jerry Mateparae as chief of the NZ Defence Force.
What the international media is saying about North Korea's latest act of aggression.
New Zealand is adding its voice to international outrage over North Korea's artillery attack on South Korea's Yeonpyeong Island.
The Defence Force may only be able to save up three quarters of the $300 million touted after the release of the white paper, Defence Minister Wayne Mapp said today.
Trigger-happy Australian soldiers have been warned not to fire their weapons so much.
Full-blown military exercises between the US and NZ could begin within a year, Defence Minister Wayne Mapp says.
The United States wants to to stamp its presence on the Pacific region.