Mystery solved: origin of object revealed
The owner of the mysterious object found washed up on a Southland beach has come forward.
The owner of the mysterious object found washed up on a Southland beach has come forward.
West Coast Fish and Game have come to the aid of the Paringa Salmon Farm and cafe, which lost as many as 13,000 salmon after intruders tampered with the water supply.
COMMENT: The launch of the Hauraki Gulf's first marine spatial plan is a major achievement and not to be under-estimated, writes Gary Taylor.
Proposed new marine protected areas, rules for polluters and changes to commercial fishing methods have been revealed in a long-awaited master plan for the Hauraki Gulf.
As Govt announces its relief package, Kaikoura businesses spell out what they need to survive.
Sanford, New Zealand's largest listed fishing group, is in consultations with 232 staff who look likely to lose their jobs at the company.
The drowning of a PhD student who was washed off rocks while collecting water samples has prompted Auckland University to break with decades of research tradition.
A resource consent application to finish Bluff oysters in Otago Harbour has been rejected by the Otago Regional Council.
Environmental columnist Sam Judd checks out the proposed controversial changes to areas for commercial harvesting for paua.
The threat of paralytic shellfish poisoning means eating shellfish from much of Northland's west coast is akin to playing Russian roulette.
A balance has to be found between the needs of bach and boat owners and of marine farmers, says the head of Aquaculture New Zealand.
The Kiwi oyster industry hopes a Government grant will help the industry fight back from a two-year fight with a herpes virus.
Zoe Hilton's love of the sea led her to Bluff's delicacy and international recognition.
The desert city of Abu Dhabi is the newest location for a vast caviar farm that dwarfs its global competitors.