Latest fromApple
iPhone 4 - it's not that bad
There's always a backlash that gets picked up by the legions of Apple haters who gleefully spread negative stories far and wide, writes Mark Webster.
Apple customers fall victim to app scam hacker
'If the iTunes account hacking part is true, then Apple really needs to step in and fix this,' wrote one.
Embarrassed Apple admits iPhone exaggerates signal
Apple admitted that iPhones overestimate their signal strength by up to two bars.
Apple-centric conference announced for Auckland
CreativeTech is an Apple-centric conference concept, and the very first one is taking place in September.
Hands on with the MacBook Pro 'baby'
The baby of the MacBook Pro family isn't specced too far away from the plasticky MacBook low-end consumer machine.
Apple's iOS4 is out - and it's free
Apple's mobile operating system, iOS4, is now available through iTunes for iPhone and iPod Touch - iPad users will have to wait.
Using immersive reality technology in art
MacPlanet blogger Mark Webster talks to artist Marcia Lyons about her work.
Apple claims biggest leap in technology with iPhone 4
A sleeker, faster fourth-generation iPhone has been hailed as the "biggest leap" since the original.
iPhone 4 - sweet features, high-def video tricks
High-def video shooting - and even editing - can be done on Apple's latest iPhone.
While Aussies buy up iPads, a little country waits...
Australians are buying up iPads at an alarming rate - but Kiwis still have to wait until 'sometime' in July.
Aussies snap up 'gorgeous' iPad
'I've got my iMac computer and my iPhone and I would probably buy anything that had an i in front of it,' said an Apple fangirl as the iPad launched in Sydney.
Apple chest-beating
People called Apple a flash in the pan - but Flash is on the way out and Microsoft just got passed by Apple in market capitalisation.
Whitcoulls takes e-book service live
Readers now have the option of turning digital rather than paper pages after yesterday's launch of Whitcoulls' e-book service.
iPad mania overshadowed by human cost concerns
Apple has been embarrassed by publicity surrounding 11 suicide attempts at the vast Foxconn facility which produces iPad and other products.
'I've never used a PC. They creep me out'
Don McGlashan talks to MacPlanet about scoring film, making music on Macs and why there's no PC in the mix.
'Flash crash' saw Apple shares gain 40,000%
Apple shares soared 40,000 per cent and traded at US$100,000 apiece during the 'flash crash' of 6 May.