Latest fromApple Inc

Amazon's smartphone to help make direct appeal to users CEO Jeff Bezos wants control of the smartphone home screen so he can put more of the firm's services in front of consumers.

EU watchdog investigating tax breaks from Apple to Starbucks
Tax breaks for Apple, Starbucks and Fiat are under investigation in a clampdown on special treatment for companies.

Apple's HealthKit and Health app: Empower or frustrate?
If you thought that self-tracking and the collection of personal health and fitness metrics was just a fad then an announcement last week by Apple CEO Tim Cook at the annual Apple Worldwide Developers Conference might suggest otherwise.

Apple Watch: Hotel Tonight
Hotel Tonight is an app that tells you what hotels have rooms available close to you. While it sounds simple, there's far more to it.

How Apple wants all of you
There's a whole world of products out there, but Google and Apple are behind a lot of the ones we choose between every day. Neither company is happy about that fragmentation. They want everyone to use all of their products.

Apple's streaming a worry
Musicians are worried that Apple's push into streaming music will pay far less in royalties and will turn music buyers into music listeners.

Apple Watch: WWDC dub-step
A couple of years ago I talked about Judit Klein, a very clever student following the Creative Technologies course at AUT. Judit had won a scholarship to visit Apple's famed annual Worldwide Developers' Conference.

Apple and Google drop lawsuits
Apple and Google have declared a cease-fire in their intellectual-property wars.

Dre boasts riches, Iovine to become billionaire from Apple buyout
Jimmy Iovine will become a billionaire if Apple completes a deal to buy Beats Electronics for $3.2 billion and Dr Dre won't be far behind.

IBM veteran leads Apple-Samsung jury to mixed verdict
Apple and Samsung placed their trust in a retired IBM executive with patent litigation experience to give them a fair trial.

Google sued over claims tie-ins hurt competition
Google was sued for allegedly abusing its market power by forcing handheld device makers that use its Android operating system to also provide the search engine company's applications.

Google's stake in Apple-Samsung trial revealed
Google has a strong financial interest in helping Samsung defeat Apple at trial beyond its obligation to pay, it has been revealed.

Samsung says $2b Apple suit is attack on Android
Samsung has told jurors that Apple's patent case is really an attack on Google's Android and a ploy to stem competition that has overwhelmed iPhone sales.