Xi Jinping's 'cold war' warning for APEC
Chinese president Xi Jinping has kicked off the APEC 2021 CEO Summit this morning.
Chinese president Xi Jinping has kicked off the APEC 2021 CEO Summit this morning.
The FTAAP is a proposed free trade agreement covering all Apec members.
Apec's forced adaptation to Covid has had unexpected progress in other crucial areas.
There is a large list of positive outcomes from Apec 2021.
Leaders will gather online to discuss some of the biggest challenges of our time.
COMMENT: Diplomacy is about choosing the right method to get the job done.
Charles Finny would like to see support of the WTO in the Apec Leaders' Declaration.
OPINION: Apec is a big deal for New Zealand.
Potential gains are not only for high-tech exports, but also traditional sectors.
Business group wants to make it easier to do business anywhere in Apec region.
Opinion: Apec leaders called an unprecedented crisis meeting to discuss Covid recovery.
Geo-political tensions were to the fore at the latest Apec retreat.
The meeting will be hosted virtually from Wellington by the Prime Minister.
OPINION: You can bet President Joe Biden loved Jacinda Ardern's speech.
Ardern and Biden spoke about Covid, the Indo-Pacific and Chch Call before Apec meeting.
Jacinda Ardern is pushing the case for a pandemic Treaty as countries deal with Covid-19.
The 21 Apec countries represent over a third the population and half the world's GDP.
This Saturday is the first big leaders meeting of Apec 2021, when trade ministers meet.
Ardern used a story about her grandmother to urge Apec leaders into climate change action.
New Zealand will break new ground in hosting the next edition of Apec.
Even if Apec is delayed a year, SkyCity still won't be finished in time.
Govt rules out Apec 2021 being hosted at the SkyCity International Convention Centre.
Concern proposed powers for police are heavy handed and anti-democratic.
The theatre could cost $10 million and be in Aotea Square for five to seven years.
COMMENT: One way or another, superpower rivalry consumes regional summits these days.
Comment: The talkfest has been called off as a result of violent clashes on the streets.
The summit was seen as a chance to ease global trade tensions.
Fourteen days of protest have left more than a dozen dead and hundreds injured.
The fire began at lunchtime on a Tuesday and by home-time Auckland was at a standstill.