Latest fromAntarctica

Kiwi aboard rogue adventurer's boat
A New Zealander doing work on the steel yacht Nilaya was still onboard when it left port suddenly last week, skipper Jarle Andhoey has told Norwegian public broadcasting company NRK.

Antarctica: Follow in the tracks of Captain Scott
Today marks the 100th anniversary of the arrival of the team of British adventurers, led by Captain Robert Scott, at the South Pole.

Gareth Morgan and Geoff Simmons: Changing times in frozen south
Next month, Gareth Morgan will lead an expedition of 40 everyday Kiwis to Antarctica. The last of a 3-part series analyses the impact on wildlife of climate change and the race for resources.

Stranded Sparta from the air
Take a look at the stranded vessel SPARTA and the Norwegian rescue vessel SEL JEVAER from the air.

Paul Holmes: Our unique weekend of pain and joy
We'll remember 9/11, but we've also got the rugby and a brilliant city.

The night Flight 901 went down: Paul Holmes' new book
On November 28, 1979 an Air New Zealand DC-10 on a sightseeing trip to Antarctica crashed into Mt Erebus, killing all 257 people on board. In his book Daughters of Erebus, Paul Holmes reveals how the news unfolded for the family of pilot Jim Collins.