Latest fromAnimal Welfare

Former SPCA manager loses wrongful redundancy claim
The ERA rules the SPCA acted "fairly and reasonably" in making a former general manager redundant months after he started. David Lloyd-Barker claimed his redundancy was "a sham".

Hundreds of cases of livestock mistreatment reported
MAF received almost 700 complaints about the mistreatment of livestock to November last year.

Dog-attack victim blames owner
Her eye had to be stitched open, her cheekbone was broken, several of her teeth were crushed and she has no feeling on the left side of her face.

Moko a summer crowd pleaser
No one knows why Moko the dolphin prefers humans to his own kind, but everyone in Gisborne - both locals and visitors alike - are delighted he does.

MP seeks crackdown on cruelty to animals
A first-term National Party MP is seeking cross-party support for a law change for harsher penalties in cases of extreme cruelty to animals.

Over 100 whales die in strandings - DOC
More than 120 whales died over 48 hours in two separate beachings, the Department of Conservation says.