Latest fromAnimal Welfare

Low-fat Cookie is slimmer of the year
Cookie the dog looked more like the Cookie Monster when his owners first laid eyes on him.

Lions' larder restocked with fresh meat
Kenyan authorities have begun a plan to restore the predator-prey balance in one of the country's premier game parks after a recent drought.

SPCA blocks contentious crayfish game
The SPCA warns its inspectors will enlist the help of police to close down an arcade game involving live crayfish if pub managers won't co-operate.

Man who fed kittens to pitbull 'an animal lover'
A man who fed live kittens to his pitbull claims he is 'an animal lover'.

SPCA to lay charges after dog massacre
The SPCA has announced it will lay charges in relation to the 'frenzied' slaughter of 33 dogs on a property in Wellsford.

<i>Garth George:</i> Animal cruelty the realm of psychopaths
Garth George writes that the new bill against animal abuse should reflect the gravity of the offence.

SPCA exhumes three bodies after dog slaughter
The SPCA says it's possible some dogs killed in last week's massacre were first injured, but not killed, by shotgun blasts.

Govt to back greater penalties for animal cruelty
An MP's bill proposing an increase in maximum sentences for animal cruelty offences has earned Govt support.

Police question man over dog massacre
Three police cars were last night at the property of one of the men believed to have shot 33 dogs.

SPCA staff offered counselling after dog massacre
SPCA staff who inspected carcasses of 33 dogs slaughtered in Northland earlier this week have been offered counselling.

'Haunting scene of death and destruction' - SPCA describes dog massacre
SPCA inspectors sent to the scene of a mass killing of dogs have described it as a 'frightening example of animal abuse.'

33 dogs massacred in 'rifle-killing frenzy'
A dispute between two neighbours has led to the slaughter of 33 dogs.

Man who twisted cat's head off in front of family jailed
A man who tore the head off a kitten in front of his family has been sentenced to two years and four months in prison.