Latest fromAnimal Welfare

SPCA to prosecute those who cut off puppy's ears
Animal protection inspectors are closing in on offenders responsible for cutting off the ears of an eight-week-old pitbull puppy.

Sow crates to be phased out by 2015
Sow crates will be phased out by December 2015, Agriculture Minister David Carter announced today.

Mama Grizzly Palin's bear hug disturbs experts
Sarah Palin's in trouble over a segment of her Alaskan reality TV show.

Kathmandu founder in $2m farm cruelty fight
Jan Cameron has pledged $2 million to fight animal cruelty - and will give cash to anyone who dobs in farmers' cruel practices.

'Chopper' repeatedly shot, left to die
"We took him to a vet for x-rays and pellets were right through him", a shocked SPCA animal inspector said of Chopper.

Perfect pork (+recipes)
As a chef and consumer, my stance has always been to support New Zealand products where possible.

Jews fundraise to fight animal welfare code
Heads of the NZ Jewish communities are protesting the Government's proposed animal-welfare ban on shechita, the Jewish ritual slaughter of livestock.

Lion Man's fans call for his return
Supporters of Lion Man Craig Busch have mounted a campaign in support of him, after the death of a tiger at Zion Wildlife Gardens.