Latest fromAnimal Welfare

Deaf pet finds friends and fun in new home
A deaf dog no one wanted has found a loving home and an owner who wants to teach her how to get beer from the fridge.

Lady Gaga fan kills cat for concert outfit
A desperate Lady Gaga fan has been charged with animal cruelty for allegedly killing her cat and using the dead pet's blood to complete an outfit she planned to wear to one of her heroine's concerts.

SPCA, Crown in free lawyers row
The SPCA believes too much money is being spent on an animal cruelty case.

Reality Check: Running a cattery
Concern for animal well-being is the reason Maureen and Dick Boyd set up a cattery at Te Horo, about 60km north of Wellington.

Valencia: Contemplation away from cruel captivity
Linda Herrick encounters a rugged yet sensitive stranger in a romantic Spanish setting.

Kiev zoo a 'death trap' for animals
Animals just keep on dying of neglect at the notorious Kiev Zoo.

Shooters threaten witness to bird kill
Man told house would be burnt if he spoke about slaughter

Christchurch earthquake: Once abandoned, now lifesavers
In the last two weeks, a highly trained group of once-abandoned dogs have proved invaluable in quake-torn Christchurch.

Ulva Island: Battles in flight to rule the roost
Jim Eagles discovers even our threatened species in sanctuary are not afraid to fight for territorial advantage.

Christchurch earthquake: Barney Rubble emerges from cathedral
A feathery find in the rubble of central Christchurch has become a small symbol of hope for an earthquake-ravaged city.

Christchurch earthquake: Pets find shelter as owners leave town
The Canterbury SPCA has taken in more than 150 pets from people displaced by the earthquake and has promised to care for them until they can be taken back.

Calls for inquiry into failed experiments on animals
The Soil and Health Association is backing calls by the Green Party for a parliamentary inquiry into failed genetic experiments on animals.