Latest fromAnimal Welfare

'Sadistic' sheep attacks in Southland
Southland police are on the hunt for whoever was responsible for an attack on sheep and lambs that can only be described as sadistic.

Penguin's mauling death 'avoidable'
A little blue penguin has been mauled to death by a dog at a popular Canterbury beach - the second to die in six months.

Pet and human abuse link probed
The connection between animal abuse and the abuse of humans will be explored at this year's New Zealand Companion Animal Conference.

Wellington wildlife's new home
Wellington Zoo's new home for Malayan sun bears and Sumatran tigers will open to the public this weekend.

Call for Govt to help end shark finning
The Green Party has called on the Government to put an end to shark finning in New Zealand waters.

Sam Judd: What's killing our killer whales?
Sam Judd looks at the effect of plastic and toxins on marine life - particularly killer whales.

New home for mistreated dog
A young huntaway that was seized from its owner after becoming badly malnourished has bounced back in the care of a loving Bay of Plenty family.

Welly Zoo: 'R.I.P Seun'
The Wellington Zoo's six-year-old male giraffe Seun died today after an operation to cure a painful hoof condition.

Dog dragged by ute for 4km - then run over
The "sick" and "senseless" death of a dog dragged at least 4km behind a vehicle has horrified a motorist who tried to save the animal.