Dead bats rain from the sky
Tens of thousands of dead bats have fallen from the sky as a "catastrophic" heatwave hits parts of eastern Australia.
Tens of thousands of dead bats have fallen from the sky as a "catastrophic" heatwave hits parts of eastern Australia.
Editorial: Shooting sharks does not sound very sensible if the purpose is to make beaches safer for swimming.
A cat caused a stir after being stuck in a central Auckland building shaft for four days.
It was a routine flea treatment, his family thought. But it was nearly a case of kitty-cide for Dexter who had a bad reaction to the product - which was for dogs.
Dope growers have been blamed for the death of a "beautiful" young kiwi chick that was being monitored by the Department of Conservation.
The Auckland SPCA has halved the cost of adopting cats and kittens over the Xmas period, saying it is at "crisis point" with too many feline arrivals.
Roosters desperately need somewhere to roost around the fringes of New Zealand's largest city.
Campaigners convinced NZ's set-net fishing restrictions are a death sentence for the Maui's dolphin have laid cardboard coffins and fishing nets full of plastic junk outside Parliament.
Gun in hand, Kiwi millionaire Mark Gunton stands proudly over the corpse of a fallen African elephant.
A teen accused of firing a crossbow bolt through the head of a cat has been granted name suppression in a brief court appearance.
British zoo staff have killed three wolves which escaped from their pen.
When Melissa Bachman posted a photo of herself posing with an assault rifle and a very dead lion, she must have known she was being deliberately provocative.
It was the kind of photo opportunity Cabinet ministers dream of.
Princess Anne has suggested people in Britain should consider eating horse meat as it would help to improve the welfare of the animals.
'Clearly this is not rocket science.' The SPCA is shocked by an Otara woman's cruelty in neglecting to change her dog's collar, causing it a serious neck wound.
A farmer has been convicted of ill-treating an animal after his dogs were locked in filthy kennels so long one chewed off its own foot.
Shark finning will be banned in New Zealand waters under a government proposal announced today.
Black swans run over by a boat, a pet sheep bashed and set on fire, and fowl found stuffed in a chest of drawers have topped the SPCA's 2013 List of Shame.
The owner of a horse that lost litres of blood after being frightened by the neighbours' fireworks is calling on people to think about pets this Guy Fawkes' night.
Jemaal Large and Jason Godsiff waited until after dark, took galvanised steel pipes from their vehicles and bludgeoned 23 seals to death by inflicting crushed skulls and open wounds on them.
A targeted programme to capture and neuter stray cats before releasing them would reduce the population humanely and effectively, a visiting American animal law expert says.
Two dairy farmers, a stock agent and a trucking company have been prosecuted for putting 25 cows through a hellish trip to the slaughterhouse.