New rules impact bobby calf death rate
The number of bobby calf deaths per 10,000 has dropped by half.
The number of bobby calf deaths per 10,000 has dropped by half.
A fighting spirit and round-the-clock vet care couldn't save Auckland Zoo's newest giraffe
An entire breeding season of little blue penguin chicks was wiped out by a New Year storm.
SPCA has apologised after using photo of French bulldog in appeal promotion.
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Cat needs surgery after bullets lodge in face.
Rachel Hunter taking part in a kiwi release on Motutapu Island.
Rodeo not harmful enough to be banned but specific animal welfare issues to be looked at.
COMMENT: The "evidence" suggesting cats are killing our native birds is shonky.
The SPCA needs donations to address horrific cases of animal abuse in NZ.
"Sadly this is something we see that happens a lot," says SPCA spokeswoman.
Animal Welfare Code adhered to, says organiser and bull breeder Shane Bird.
Vicky Roebuck hopes people will be allowed to bring their pets along to Hughes' funeral.
A family is looking for answers after their dog was killed with an air rifle.
COMMENT: When an abandoned kitty was found, what could the writer do?
"He came to work with me every day, did everything with me, 24/7," says distraught owner.
New Zealand's "spokesbird for conservation" has been found after being lost for two years.
COMMENT: So, we all know in our hearts that rodeo is wrong.
COMMENT: What about the rest of pack, ask owners of pugs and French and British bulldogs.
Animal rights group SAFE uses VR technology to highlight conditions in factory farms
Stephen Brassett and his four-legged friends have finished their tour of New Zealand.
COMMENT: The auction site's stance is laudable - but it does open a can of worms.
The 3m shark was spotted close to shore at Te Arai Pt in Auckland.
An Auckland woman's cats disrupted neighbours' sleep and forced them to flee their homes.
An algal bloom has fouled the water in Te Waihoura (Lake Ellesmere).
This vet risks his life to rescue animals from the worst zoos in the world.
Michael Laws has a budget of $25,000 to promote rodeos as a positive animal sport.
A motorist claims he witnessed a chicken being towed behind a car.
Dogs should not be dying for people's gambling pleasure, says party spokesman.
Robbie the dog faced euthanasia when a surgery left him permanently disabled.