Pet Refuge: 'I should have listened to my dog' says victim
A domestic violence victim speaks about how her abuser harmed her pet to get to her.
A domestic violence victim speaks about how her abuser harmed her pet to get to her.
A new pet refuge will be opened to house animals from violent homes while owners escape
Pet Refuge founder Julie Chapman explains what it's about and why she set it up.
A woman who stayed with her abusive partner for the sake of her dog speaks out.
A refuge for pets from homes with domestic violence will be built in Auckland
The New Zealand farmer allegedly killed 1500 bobby calves while working in Chile.
Wilson, a 17-month-old dog, was found dead and covered in bite wounds.
MPI officers found dying and emaciated ewes on William Chase's farm.
Children under the age of 10 are more likely to be seriously injured by a dog.
Student pulled shivering cat after hearing meowing but says teachers told him not to help.
A 400-pound pig and other animals were also found on her property.
COMMENT: Wet people smell bad enough - so don't let dogs on public transport.
Help us Ensure all Zoos are Good Zoos. / Wild Welfare
CCTV footage showed the man beating the puppy for nine minutes.
SAFE said it was appalled to see the emaciated state of the cows.
More prosecutions are on the cards for people who injure animals, SPCA says.
Disturbing new videos reveal a brutal industry funded by foreign visitors.
A horse has died after hitting a fence at the Rodeo National Finals in north Canterbury.
A yellow-eyed penguin has tussled with sharks three times and lived to squawk the tale.
Baboons Habib, 14, Osiris, 7, Les, 17, and Rafiki, 15 were all put to death.
The list details fifteen of the worst cases of animal abuse and neglect seen by the SPCA.
Why can't we be more prepared to be inclusive, to share, to be tolerant of each other?
The Farallon Islands are home to some of the largest great white sharks on the planet.
A man has been convicted after stabbing his friend's elderly dog with a filleting knife.
A statement said it realised there was "a need for population control of some species".
RAV4 flips three times before crashing through a fence and landing in a paddock.
Suspicious noises and behaviour led customs officials to the man's carry-on bag.
"It's our lifework too, to care for animals in any situation."
Pests, pork or pets? Tensions rise over pig politics on Great Barrier Island.
The penguin was rescued from the Avon River in Christchurch earlier this evening.