SPCA List of Shame: Starved horses, dumped kittens and beaten dogs
The list details fifteen of the worst cases of animal abuse and neglect seen by the SPCA.
The list details fifteen of the worst cases of animal abuse and neglect seen by the SPCA.
Why can't we be more prepared to be inclusive, to share, to be tolerant of each other?
The Farallon Islands are home to some of the largest great white sharks on the planet.
A man has been convicted after stabbing his friend's elderly dog with a filleting knife.
A statement said it realised there was "a need for population control of some species".
RAV4 flips three times before crashing through a fence and landing in a paddock.
Suspicious noises and behaviour led customs officials to the man's carry-on bag.
"It's our lifework too, to care for animals in any situation."
Pests, pork or pets? Tensions rise over pig politics on Great Barrier Island.
A south Auckland woman is reeling after discovering a pile of dead puppies.
Tauranga dog owner Louis Delves jailed for four and a half months.
First albatross chicks of season emerge from shells at at Taiaroa Head near Dunedin.
Bryce Edwards asks whether it's cruel and archaic or a sport under fire.
There's no evidence the occupants of the house decorated the birds themselves.
Resident says he was "shocked" to see jet skiers chasing the pod of dolphins.
Department of Conservation says releasing animals could have unintentional impacts.
Hens would ingest lead from soil in a backyard by pecking at the ground or eating bugs.
SPCA horrified by act of cruelty as culprits sought.
SPCA says domestic rabbits released into the wild can suffer terribly.
Forest & Bird says their position will lead to "cruel deaths and extinctions".
SPCA Wellington is pleading for anyone with information to step forward.
Eradication plan has made NZ's overall biosecurity system more resilient, O'Connor says.
"Punters lose their money while it's costing horses their lives," say activists.
The juvenile blue and gold macaw will be disorientated.
DOC's dotterel dos and don'ts. Made with funding from NZ on Air.
"Grain-free" pet food is taking over the shelves, but it's health benefits are disputed.
June Farndon said the shootings were a "criminal act and sadistic, unwarranted violence".
Chimp troop explores habitat revamped by experts in habitat design and animal behaviour.
Hikoi co-organiser says he was assured dead birds were from a West Coast 1080 drop zone.
Video shows a woman holding the kitten as a man blows smoke from a bong at its head.