Dozens of whales restrand in Golden Bay, despite refloating efforts
Project Jonah said they would welcome volunteer help.
Project Jonah said they would welcome volunteer help.
Six whales died and one was euthanised after being beached on Tasman's Golden Bay again.
'My emotions are pretty up and down at the moment ... I'm trying to deal with it.'
'We do not believe we can eradicate C. ovis but the aim is to control it at around 0.5%'
'I can't stress enough that once your dog has signs, you're too late.'
Sophia's diploma is overseen by the Worshipful Company of Cordwainers.
Hardy Froneman of Hoof Trim, Hawke’s Bay, specialises in the Dutch five-step method.
Man's ‘swollen stomach area' reveals '300 spiders, 100 centipedes and nine stinging ants'.
Even just one kiwi death can have a devastating impact on kiwi recovery, Helen Leahy said.
3-month-old cub thought to have choked on own vomit in shock.
Animal rescued from owners in Belgium is now so wooly it is ‘in pain’.
Forty-two-year-old Burma has left Auckland Zoo to be part of a herd.
The scheme supports graduate vets working in rural practices.
Burma was spotted in her crate being trucked across Auckland this morning.
Tony Austwick was unjustifiably dismissed after three customers made complaints about him.
'If they can hurt a cat like that ... they could hurt anyone.'
Okoia cat Jinx returned home with a bullet wound that broke his femur.
Authorities urge residents to keep their doors and windows locked.
Lonely male bottlenose believed to be responsible for multiple incidents in Japan.
Mastitis is a costly disease where udder tissue becomes inflamed, often due to bacteria.
Scientists tested 16 Adelie penguins last year, with seven returning positive results.
A new three-year study is under way to understand the risk of facial eczema on-farm.
The Department of Conservation says Adelie penguins are a rare sight in Wellington.
Melody the gentoo penguin has cataract removed. Video / Sea Life Kelly Tarlton's
Baby sea lion was shot in an estuary in the Catlins and left to die a slow, painful death.
OPINION: Job interview includes tasting dog food, surprising new hire with its quality.
'It’s like having a mate; you can’t spend 10 years with someone you don’t get on with.'
From next year pain relief during tailing is mandatory for NZ Merino Company suppliers.
A proposed new pet bylaw would also bans roosters and pigs from urban areas.
“They displace wetland birds from nesting sites."