Auckland may join booze-ad ban
Auckland Council may follow the example of its transport arm and ban the advertising of alcohol on its land and buildings.
Auckland Council may follow the example of its transport arm and ban the advertising of alcohol on its land and buildings.
The country's worst drink driver has undergone a lengthy prison rehabilitation programme aimed at stopping him offending again upon his release next month.
MPs at a select committee are considering a law change that would lower the drink driving limit from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood to 50mg.
Rising economic confidence and "aggressive" marketing techniques are seen as the driving factors behind an 8.9 million litre rise in alcohol availability last year.
As a teenager, there is a huge pressure to accept the cool pragmatism of "this is how it is" when it comes to binge drinking, writes Verity Johnson.
Some experts claim that there may be an entire spectrum of possibilities that lie between the non-alcoholic and the alcoholic state.
Alcohol causes more than one in 20 deaths of New Zealanders aged under 80, new University of Otago research suggests.
A project designed to encourage New Zealanders to drink responsibly has been launched, but has been met with suspicion by alcohol health advocates.
Alcohol Healthwatch has told the Government it is supporting "legalised drunk driving" by delaying moves to lower the drink driving limit.
A "zero-tolerance" policy will fine teenage drivers $200 and 50 demerit points if they have any alcohol at all in their system.
A British sailor charged on Anzac Day with having excess breath alcohol twice the drink-driving limit escaped prosecution after high level intervention.
A shock Herald test saw a member of staff able to down nine beers before hitting the legal drink drive limit.
A decision on lowering the drink-drive limit should go to a select committee so the public can have a say, Labour leader Phil Goff says.
The Govt's decision to shelve plans to lower the drink-driving limit for adults and instead do more research has been attacked as gutless.