Winston breaks ranks: 'NZ should be at level 1 now'; Cabinet dispute revealed
Deputy Prime Minister says New Zealand has been 'too cautious for too long'.
Deputy Prime Minister says New Zealand has been 'too cautious for too long'.
The crisis hitting aviation has provided an opportunity to do much-needed runway work.
Consider it car pooling but with wings and higher fuel costs.
Wellington City pledges to take part in bailout of airport similar to Air NZ deal.
The skies may be no less friendly but they have become a lot less comfortable.
Tests will also be offered to other companies with employees at the airport.
Emirates has become the first airline to pre-screen passengers for coronavirus.
Wellington Airport expects to cut about 40 positions as Covid-19 bites.
With no care for travel restrictions or public decency the woman tried to check in naked.
One family has "no idea" why they were allowed to fly home before the 14 days were up.
Focus: Air New Zealand continues to make radical cuts, this time to it’s domestic destinations from Friday flying to only five NZ cities.
Airline and travel workers are looking for redeployment opportunities to combat Covid-19.
Focus: A look at today’s activity in aviation amid the coronavirus pandemic wreaking havoc for the aviation industry.
Finance Minister confirms talks and says airports are critical to the economy.
The second runway gets put on ice - again - and 90 contractors lose work.
Travellers need to be prepared as very few shops are open at the airport
"It's a little bit surreal knowing we've come back down to earth one last time."
The company has also let go 90 independent contractors.
The worker was turned away from getting a test because she had not been overseas recently.
Focus Live: The Government is handing Air New Zealand a $900 million lifeline as it copes with the coronavirus fallout.
Life has changed. The borders are shut to all tourists and large gatherings are banned.
Economic Development Minister Phil Twyford has announced details of the Government's $600 million aviation support package to cushion the impact of Covid-19.
There are 12 confirmed cases of the virus in New Zealand - all are linked to overseas.
Catching public transport, taxis a no-go, Jacinda Ardern says.
This comes a month after the company cut its annual earnings guidance by $5m.
Auckland Airport's upgrade is the biggest commercial infrastructure project in NZ.
Two other New Zealand airports hold Level 1 status along with 300 others world-wide.
A medical screener at the Los Angeles International Airport has contracted the virus
One hundred passengers were on board the two domestic flights taken by the infected woman.
Some airlines are reporting 50 per cent passenger no shows, scores of planes grounded.