Flight check: Toulouse to Brussels
John King flies from Toulouse to Brussels on Brussels Airlines flight SN3668.
John King flies from Toulouse to Brussels on Brussels Airlines flight SN3668.
Tejas Lamb flies aboard Air New Zealand's flight NZ8047, from Nelson to Christchurch.
The flight was a significant first for aviation. But what was it like?
The 16,200km flight had just 49 passengers and crew on board.
The glory days of free-flowing champagne and canapés proved to be unsustainable.
Options for Kiwi travellers flying non-stop across the Pacific are increasing.
Human 'guinea pigs', will have food, drink and sleep closely monitored.
Airline is offering more choice in economy - for a price.
The Boeing Jumbo completed its final commercial flight on Sunday, from Sydney to LA.
Melissa Nightingale flies Air NZ to San Francisco.
His only option was to attempt a "power-off" landing with his family on board.
50 carriers are facing trouble from a little-known man with a big, bold claim.
Airlines must show they're acting on concerns about their environmental impact.
Fourteen fire trucks respond after report plane's engines had failed.
The former Walmart chief says his new job ''feels like it's meant to be''.
Airline alliances will come under more intense scrutiny under aviation law changes.
Greg Foran appointed as new Air New Zealand CEO. Video / Supplied
Where was he going with this sword? Exactly how valuable was it? Should we warn Bill?
Won't somebody, please, think of the billionaires?
I work for a law firm that specialises in online sexual harassment. Enjoy being reported.
Passenger stuck after cancellation: More than half were without food or water for hours.
The flight from Christchurch to Auckland encountered problems after takeoff at 12.45.
The current push back on flying has much more momentum than the ''food miles'' crusade.
She told crew that she had to use the toilet, but was refused access again and again.
A catering trolley at Chicago O'Hare airport has gone berserk.
Mike Hall was well-respected as a fireman and as a pilot.
The airline has doubled the capacity of its onboard lounge and upped the business seating
Denise Stephens flies from Tokyo Narita to Melbourne on Qantas QF80