Editorial: Budget airline has a bad attitude
We publish the picture of the slobbering drunk today because he needs to be called to account.
We publish the picture of the slobbering drunk today because he needs to be called to account.
Four times in the past week, I have put my life in the hands of Air New Zealand's decision to fly under an ash cloud.
The ash cloud from Chile's Mt Puyehue Cordon Caulle volcano has returned to cause more disruption to flights.
Air New Zealand has aligned itself with a troubled Hollywood actress currently under house arrest for theft.
Airlines on both sides of the Tasman are crying foul over rumours as passengers battle disruption caused by a volcanic ash cloud.
Rob Fyfe has hit back at "malicious rumours" out of Australia that Air NZ has grounded ash-damaged aircraft.
Chilean Claudia Sandoval has been trying to get home from Auckland for one and a half weeks.
Jetstar and Qantas have cancelled all today's flights to, from and within New Zealand.
After returning from a five-week overseas trip I'm filled with renewed bile about the business of having to stand around for ages in poorly air-conditioned rooms juggling shoes, backpack and laptop, supposedly in the interest of security.