Rural school marks major milestone
Ōropi School opened in a house in 1899 for about 20 children.
Ōropi School opened in a house in 1899 for about 20 children.
Todd McClay, Tim Dangen, Kendall Langston, Mark Tanner, Chris Brandolino.
Food Hubs can only meet around 60% of their communities’ needs.
OPINION: Kiwi farmers are the world's best. Independent governance will make them better.
World record-holder Mullooly rapt with all-female training course
Alliance has closed its Smithfield plant, and Australian recruiters are already in town.
But they may not get it until well into next year.
Jason Herrick, Chris Russell, Dr John Roche, Mark Tanner.
The Country has five questions to get to know rural New Zealand a little better.
NZ EPA may ban DCPA herbicides but it could be a year before the ban comes into effect.
Increased dairy production and better milk prices have boosted on-farm earnings.
Christopher Luxon, Cameron Bagrie, Mike Cronin, B McLean, Simon Bishell,Lynda Coppersmith.
Top fruit quality this season brightens outlook.
Chance to celebrate farmer and grower achievement, showcase good practices.
'It can take us 20 years to develop a concept.'
Only two products moved positively at the latest Global Dairy Trade auction.
Nicola Grigg, Katie Milne, Emma Poole, Stefan Vogel, Marie Fitzpatrick.
Federated Farmers and Rural Women NZ say eligibility criteria should be reviewed.
'We haven’t taken this decision lightly and are exercising a high degree of caution.'
OPINION: When I think of summer, I think of sweetcorn.
“One could say that the deer are doing more good than harm."
Growing Future Farmers has 131 applications instead of the projected 80 placements.
Ross Sainsbury 'deliberately find jobs that I can use Eric for'.
Sponsored content: Don’t go out and plan that trip to the Bahamas yet.
Gardeners keen on interesting design ideas are in for a treat.
Chris Brandolino, Kathryn Wright, Ben Picton, Stu Loe, and Warwick Catto.
Young Grower national final celebrates success of rising horticulturists.
The judges described one farm as a shining example of innovation.
'Sometimes we all just stand outside and watch the sunset.'
“It would be a terrible waste of time and effort and a huge impost on the community."