Calls to address 'spiralling' aged care staffing shortages
In August with 500 out of nearly 5,000 registered nursing positions empty.
In August with 500 out of nearly 5,000 registered nursing positions empty.
Study calls for more resourcing for older migrants to help themselves.
COMMENT: We have more than a highly successful government retirement programme in NZ.
Audine Robson is sharing a large Auckland home with 11 other pensioners.
Centenarian insists he feels "great" thanks to his daily workouts and thinking positively.
Australia is setting up an Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
The digital world is advancing and some seniors are being left behind.
It sounds like The Handmaid's Tale but this nation is disinterested in having babies.
Lure Hsu, a Taiwanese interior designer, has just turned 43. Seriously, 43.
COMMENT: People now realise they're not programmed to follow predetermined paths in life.
Tim Fairhall denied $8000 in Kiwisaver. But he's unlikely to live until retirement age.
COMMENT:Ageing is putting pressure on our two most substantial taxpayer-funded programmes.
Berry credits her youthful looks to a special broth.
Worried your cognitive function is flailing? Here's what to do about it.
Study suggests that centenarians should be aiming to survive past 105.
The five warning signs middle-aged people will suffer from frailness in retirement.
The 81-year old biotech consultant says dementia is the world's greatest medical problem.
A spot of cooking could help prepare New Zealand for an older, frailer future population.
The 48yo actress is "sick" of being humble about her success, good looks and marriage.
End-of-life doulas are empowering those in the final stages of their lives.
Dementia New Zealand say the move is a step in the right direction.
Over 180,000 Kiwis aged 65 to 80 vaccinated since no-charge policy kicked in on April 1.
"I am tired. Long life is not at all God's gift for me - but a punishment."
It's not about getting in 10,000 steps, according to new research.
Study uncovers the age women feel they no longer "turn heads".
How does a rest home resident end up with maggots in his wounds?
From making "that noise" to genuinely enjoying trips to garden centres.
A new study will untangle the complex links between sleep problems and dementia.