Princess Charlene of Monaco unrecognisable after latest haircut
Princess Charlene has debuted another radical hairstyle in incredible new photos.
Princess Charlene has debuted another radical hairstyle in incredible new photos.
Countries including Malawi and the DRC given vaccines without enough time to distribute.
Why developing nations are falling behind in the vaxx race - and what we can do about it.
Leaders demanded release from house arrest of PM and former transitional president.
The boat broke up and sank as it was travelling in Nigeria's northern Kebbi state.
The eruption took out a highway that connects Goma with the city of Beni.
Sexual abuse by humanitarian workers is "systemic" around the globe, British MP says.
Even with Covax help, many countries won't reach 60 per cent coverage until 2023 or later.
Ban on 'canned' hunting leaves problem of what do with animals bred to be shot.
It appears to be first time a woman has given birth to nine surviving babies at once.
After facing weeks of bipartisan blowback, Biden takes action on US refugee admissions.
10-year-old homeless refugee is on track to become one of the world's best in his field.
New York Times: The average daily rate of new cases has topped 800k for more than a week.
A high-profile Kenyan doctor who endorsed controversial treatments for Covid has died.
Nigerian women talk about being brought to Burkina Faso under false pretences.
African officials worry about delays in vaccine deliveries caused by India's crisis.
Two documentary makers and their guide were ambushed in the Pama nature reserve.
The work was mysteriously put into storage 18 years ago, and now it's back in its place.
More than 250 firefighters were deployed to the slopes of the mountain to battle the fire.
France "trained, equipped, and protected the Rwandan government", the report charges.
A library at the University of Cape Town has burned and an historic windmill destroyed.
Latest battle expected to drastically worsen humanitarian crisis in northern Mozambique.
Witnesses have described Eritrean forces looting, killing and raping civilians.
New York Times: The canal has been a flashpoint for geopolitical conflict since it opened.
Hopes haven't faded for eldest sister who missed out when three siblings adopted.
John Magufuli claimed his country had eradicated Covid-19 through national prayer.
Horrors become commonplace in Mozambique's northern Cabo Delgado province over past year.
The new government replaces two rival regimes that have been ruling Libya for years.
A series of explosions have erupted at a military barracks in Equatorial Guinea.
One Uganda official says "rich countries should not be so selfish".