Latest fromAfrica

Africa: Beachside in Mozambique
Brett Atkinson laps up the laid-back vibes and shabby chic charms of what was once known as Portuguese East Africa.

Morocco: Keep your eyes on the road
A night in the desert is the pinnacle of a mind-blowing two-week trip for Katy Guest.

Gaddafi's shrinking regime
The British Government says it is talking to a further ten senior figures in Colonel Gaddafi's creaking regime.

Civil war reignites as rival leaders fight for final control
Ivory Coast has been plunged back into civil war after a slow-burning election crisis developed into violence.

Tyrants' crude tools of power fail as era of classic security state ends
Oil states are, by their nature, undemocratic.The despots who have ruled the Arab world for half a century are not giving up without a fight.

Rebel force fears tough fight ahead
The rebel forces are getting close to their immediate goal - capture Sirte, a fiercely loyal stronghold of Muammar Gaddafi.

Rape claimant 'being held at Gaddafi home'
The parents of the woman dragged by security men from a Tripoli hotel claimed today that she was being 'held hostage'.

Tears flow at quake memorial service in London
Prince Charles has comforted grieving family members of Christchurch earthquake victims in London.

Kenya top pick for royal honeymoon
New Zealand is a 25 to one shot of being the venue for Prince William's honeymoon.

Cricket: Black Caps surge into semis
New Zealand produced an inspired fielding and bowling performance to extend South Africa's horror run in World Cup knockout matches with a 49-run upset win in today's quarterfinal.

Democrats protest US role in Libya 'no-fly' zone
President Barack Obama has come under attack from both Democrats and Republicans since joining the international coalition against Libya.

NZ to give $1m to Red Cross in Japan
Cabinet agreed today to give $1m to support the Red Cross effort in Japan, Prime Minister John Key announced this afternoon, and also confirmed four NZers were still in Libya.