'Fake' interpreter a serial offender
The sign language interpreter at Nelson Mandela's memorial who has been accused of being a fake has signed at past ANC events.
The sign language interpreter at Nelson Mandela's memorial who has been accused of being a fake has signed at past ANC events.
"There was no meaning in what he used his hands for." An investigation is launched into whether a fake sign language interpreter worked his way into Mandela's service.
Burglars broke into the Cape Town home of South African peace icon Desmond Tutu when he was away speaking at Nelson Mandela's memorial.
The rebel-leader-turned-president of Central African Republic has acknowledged that he doesn't have total control over former allies accused of killing scores of civilians.
A movie depicting the life of Nelson Mandela has become South Africa's highest grossing picture after its opening last week, its producers said.
Witnesses and aid workers say at least 98 people are dead in the capital of the Central African Republic after a day of clashes between the Muslim armed fighters who rule the country and a Christian militia who opposes them.