Criticism of Biden grows over 'serious, serious mistake'
Fierce criticism threatens to make the president a political liability for the Democrats.
Fierce criticism threatens to make the president a political liability for the Democrats.
American commanders also updated President Biden on 'plans to develop ISIS-K targets'.
Bombings near Kabul's international airport killed at least 95 Afghans and 13 US troops.
New York Times: Double-suicide bombing demonstrates they still remain a threat.
Former US President Donald Trump says the Biden administration had "botched the plan".
Source says none of the group of 37 Afghan civilians who helped NZ in Bamiyan got out.
Bombs at Kabul airport kill 60 Afghan civilians and 12 US troops.
Joe Biden has pledged to make the terrorists who killed a dozen US troops pay.
New York Times: Many Afghans who helped US forces in Afghanistan are now in danger.
Terror threats as overnight NZDF makes second successful evacuation flight.
Government cites "rapidly deteriorating situation".
New York Times: They served as private security guards. Now, they can't get home.
Resettled interpreters have been pleading their cases for family for up to four years.
Group including elderly woman in wheelchair gets over sewage-filled canal to NZ soldiers.
Taliban spokesman urges women to stay home until security is reimposed.
New York Times: Uncertainty reigns as Kabul residents struggle to make ends meet.
The accommodation website will offer housing urgently needed for evacuees.
US President resists pressure to extend the deadline to allow more people to be extracted.
Al-Qaeda has the capacity in the near future to carry out catastrophic attacks on America.
Tourist "tired but glad to be out," as thousands still wait for flights.
RNZAF C-130 spends just 30 minutes on tarmac - just hours after deadly gunfight.
Taliban has said "all fake news" towards their extreme display of violence over weeks.
Shooting breaks out as Talban warns US any delay in withdrawal will 'provoke a reaction'.
Father who fled Taliban reduced to tears by news of family's dramatic rescue.
New York Times: Biden struggles to explain how the withdrawal went so badly wrong.
Partner nations flew the Kiwis out of Kabul airport - the scene of chaos and death.
The Taliban are going door-to-door looking for those who worked with the government.
Claims fighters are beating people for wearing non-religious clothing.
18 civilian aircraft will be helping to fly evacuees from Afghanistan.
New York Times: Thousands of desperate Afghans are trying to flee the Taliban.