NZDF needs greater civilian scrutiny
COMMENT: There are more reasons than not to hold inquiry into SAS raid, says Audrey Young.
COMMENT: There are more reasons than not to hold inquiry into SAS raid, says Audrey Young.
COMMENT: Questions raised about the deaths of Afghan civilians warrant an inquiry.
Confused? Here's a guide to fracas that has followed the release of the Hit & Run book.
The military's ability to care for the bodies of those who die abroad is under question.
Victims say location and names are wrong - but insist six civilians were killed.
NZ Defence Force's interpreters talk about their former roles and life in NZ.
The Chief of Army tells officers the nine killed in the NZSAS raised were armed.
Evidence was destroyed supporting Defence Force claims a damning report was inaccurate.
Mother of soldier says she wishes NZ troops were brought home before her son died in 2012.
COMMENT: Nicky Hager's book Hit & Run points to compelling evidence of civilians dying.
United Nations report appears to back claims SAS troops killed civilians in Afghani raid.
NZSAS soldier says civilians were killed after faulty US intelligence.
The Iraqis' progress has been remarkable, Brigadier Hugh McAslan tells.
One of the most damning claims in Nicky Hager's new book has been confirmed.
COMMENT: Whether Nicky Hager's new book scores the required hits is yet to be determined.
Credible sources are emerging to confirm civilians were killed during raid in Afghanistan.
Wayne Mapp and former governor of Bamyan province both confirm civilian deaths.
Labour, Greens and NZ First want an inquiry into claims made in a new book.
A notorious Taliban commander behind the killing of NZ soldiers in Afghanistan has died in a shootout with Afghani security forces.
The family of the helicopter pilot killed while fighting the Port Hills' fires have given him a final gift.
The wife of the pilot and war hero killed when his helicopter crashed as he fought the Port Hills fires is "amazed" by the support for her family.
Kiwis dig deep to support family of helicopter pilot killed fighting Christchurch's Port Hills fire.
A RAF pilot flying nearly 200 service personnel to Afghanistan is facing two counts of perjury and making a false record after a mid-flight incident.
A former child bride has had her ears hacked off by her husband after he accused her of speaking to other men.
Police hope military-grade software will help solve the seemingly "impossible" disappearance of a swinging soldier under heavy surveillance.
Politics sure makes for strange bedfellows. Donald Trump has slammed Chelsea Manning as an "ungrateful traitor" for criticising Barack Obama.
Despite its distance from world trouble spots, New Zealand has a valuable role to play, says Bill English.
Abdurrashid Dostum has long been infamous for his cruelty but now his latest victim has accused him of imprisoning him, beating him and ordering him raped.
New Zealand's offer to resettle 150 refugees from Australia remains on the table, the Government says, despite a new offer by the
She was immortalised on the cover of National Geographic magazine as a green-eyed 12-year-old girl. Her life has taken yet another a tragic turn.