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MMP shake-up if vote is 'yes'
The most unpopular features of MMP could be ditched if voters opt to keep the electoral system in the referendum on it at next year's election.
Govt releases proposed new election rules
There will be no spending limits on parallel campaigners under new election rules proposed by the Government.
Facebook at work problems growing, say employers
A new survey of 520 NZ companies finds 67 per cent have no policies to regulate staff use of social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter.
Beer bellies out as low-carb selling point
Speights is barred from using the unhealthy Kiwi beer gut to sell its new low-carb brand.
Critics attack Air NZ's hunting cougars
The director of Rape Prevention Education has attacked a promotion offering rugby tickets to "cougars".
Meet the real Mad Man
Draper Daniels, the ad legend who inspired Mad Men's ruthless Don Draper was a 'soft spoken creative genius', his widow says.
Call to ban all adverts of junk food to children
The World Health Organisation has come out in support of a complete ban on advertising junk food to children.
The nation's media from A to Z
From the safety of the silly season John Drinnan delivers his take on the state of the nation's media - from A to Z.
'P' letter stunt defended as shock tactic
The man behind a letter asking hundreds of recipients to try the drug P has defended the stunt, saying it was designed to shock people into action.
P letter lands advert agency in hot water
An Auckland advertising agency has apologised for sending a letter to hundreds of people, inviting them to try the drug P.
Flight Centre warned over false adverts, hidden fees
Flight Centre's "Fly for free" promotion breached the Fair Trading Act by offering deals that didn't exist and tickets that weren't available.