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<i>Mark Irving:</i> How research can smother great advertising
Go with your gut feel a bit more ...

Hold the fast forward, this advert's just for you
Television watchers will soon see tailored advertisements selected for them according to their viewing habits, post codes and type of household.

Media: Fair Go deal diminishes brand
A deal between a market researcher and Fair Go is bad for the consumer watchdog TV programme.

NZ Post plans to move into news
NZ Post has plans to move its directory service Localist to include editorial content such as news.

Research reveals link between religion, consumerism
A study by a New Zealand researcher has shown Christians are less likely to purchase a product if it is advertised in a materialistic or "showy" way.

Media: New men at top signal RNZ shake-up
The Government has appointed the political raconteur and public relations man...

Anglicans cross about pizza firm's bun adverts
A pizza company has upset people over an advertising campaign that compares its limited-edition hot cross buns to Jesus.

No Google honeymoon for Larry Page
As Larry Page's ascension to the chief executive post this week marks a coming of age for him, Google itself is also coming of age in another way.

<i>Mark Irving:</i> A simple question can be a powerful tool
The best salespeople are those that ask questions and let the other person open up and talk.

Judgment Day? Yeah, right
That was Skeptics Society chair Vicki Hyde's response to billboards claiming the world will end on May 21.

Air NZ's Rico teams up with Snoop Dogg
Air New Zealand has teamed up controversial puppet Rico with superstar rapper Snoop Dogg in its latest video.

<i>Sean D'Souza</i>: Building your business on words alone
Imagine you were to start up an internet-based business. And told that to promote your business, you would not be allowed to do any affiliate marketing. Or joint ventures. Or any external publicity.

Music labels making millions from YouTube, says Google
YouTube is no longer just about building a buzz on emerging artists and new albums. The largest labels are making "millions of dollars a month" from the advertising alongside their videos.

APN posts 9.6pc profit growth in NZ media business
APN News & Media said its New Zealand media business had a solid year in 2010 with revenue growth of 1.7pc and earnings growth of 9.6pc.

Media: Broadcasters strive to avoid ad clashes
Television bosses were in complex talks with advertisers yesterday to bring commercials back into their news schedules.