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Air NZ kills off controversial puppet Rico (+video)
Rico, Air New Zealand's controversial puppet, has been killed off by Air New Zealand's advertising team.

Graham McGregor: The power of other people's networks
The power of using other people's networks in your marketing...

Graham McGregor: Creating customers for life
Marketing consultant Graham McGregor on how to create life-time customers and clients for your business.

Graham McGregor: Smile marketing
Marketing consultant Graham McGregor on why 'Smile Marketing' is worth testing in any business.

Fairfax to pocket $530m from Trade Me float
The partial float of Trade Me has been priced at $2.70 a share, and Fairfax will walk away from the float with $530m.

Graham McGregor : The mental side of selling
Why do some people do remarkably well in selling while others fail miserably?

Graham McGregor: The power of focus
Marketing consultant Graham McGregor on why focusing on one thing could be helpful in your business.

Debbie Mayo-Smith: Eight great email marketing strategies
I want to send you my email marketing material. I don't care where you live, how old you are, what company you work for or what your interests are. I just wanna sell, sell, sell to you ...

Labour ads trash our koru, says Fyfe
Air NZ says Labour's use of the koru to provoke political controversy conflicts with its core meaning.