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Graham McGregor: How to get appointments with high value clients and customers
Marketing consultant Graham McGregor on how to get appointments with high value clients and customers.

Misleading product labels are being whitewashed 'green'
Eco-friendly labels are becoming more ubiquitous, but they may be misleading.

Graham McGregor: 'What will you change in 2012?'
Marketing consultant Graham McGregor on why changing your marketing approach could be a key to improving your sales and profits.

Drag queen defends 'transphobic' tampon ad
Sandee Crack says the Libra tampon ad has led to "dragphobia" among members of the transgender community.

Shelley Bridgeman: The cost of cheap humour in tampon ad
The latest tampon advertisement has drawn more gasps than laughs by spotlighting a vulnerable group of people in society who suffer from gender dissonance.

Graham McGregor: Three important things at year's end
Marketing consultant Graham McGregor on three important things to do at the end of any year.

Campaign launched to bring tourists back to Bay of Plenty
A new tourism campaign to bring people back to the Bay of Plenty, after the stranding of the Rena, is being planned.

Graham McGregor: Leapfrog marketing
Marketing consultant Graham McGregor on why 'Leap Frog Marketing' is worth considering.