Vodafone dodges damage with sorry - brand expert
Telco avoids major damage to its reputation by owning up to the wrongdoing, says brand expert.
Telco avoids major damage to its reputation by owning up to the wrongdoing, says brand expert.
Vodafone New Zealand has been fined $960,000 for misleading advertising after the company pleaded guilty to 21 charges laid by the Commerce Commission.
Forget about intellectual property; Kiwis want the tobacco industry to wither and die, writes Liam Dann.
Sexy freedom fighters hurling tampons into the trolley - it's a triumph for capitalism.
If packs can't be displayed, or advertised at all, what is the point of legislating for them to be 'plain'?
A ginger beer maker whose advertising offered to swap a ginger child for the drink has apologised for offending people.