Latest fromAct Party

Super City bill passed into law
Parliament passes legislation setting up Auckland's new "Super City" council by a vote of 64 to 58.

Make Super City seats a conscience vote - iwi
Ngati Whatua says there is enough support for Maori Super City seats within the National Party to warrant a conscience vote.

Last two chances for Maori seats
PM rejects a last-ditch Maori Party bid to get the seats by making them a conscience vote issue.

Tribe considers second hikoi over Super City Maori seats
Ngati Whatua spokesman Ngarimu Blair says a second hikoi is being talked about.

Iwi: We'll boycott Super City advisory role
Tainui iwi say they will boycott any alternative, weaker role offered to them after the Government's decision to rule out Maori seats on Auckland's Super City council.

<i>Editorial:</i> Rejection of Maori seats a mistake
The Herald criticises the decision not to have Maori seats on the Super City council.

Wrong for Maori seats just in Auckland: Key
The Government doesn't believe two Maori seats on the Super City council will give Maori an effective voice. But John Key says other means of Maori representation are being considered.

National set to block Maori seats
The Cabinet is expected to reject Maori seats on the Auckland Super City council today.

Hide stakes job on Maori seats ban
Act leader tells Prime Minister he will resign as Local Government Minister if National agrees to Maori representation on the Auckland Super City council.

Hide denies threatening Govt over Maori super city seats
Rodney Hide says an email alleging he might end ACT's relationship with National if it agrees to Maori seats on the new 'super city' council is wrong.

MP said 'let's just leave that outside', Hide counters
ACT leader Rodney Hide says MP David Garret said 'lets just leave that outside', not lets 'take this outside' as has been alleged.