Latest fromAct Party

Maulings spark call to train dog owners
Animal experts are urging improved education of dog owners form a major part of the Government's review on dog controls.

Franklin residents split between district councils
Franklin residents will be split between the new Auckland Supercity, Waikato and Hauraki district councils.

Politics 2009: Key, Goff and the recession
A new PM defied the odds as the Govt struggled to deal with the worst recession in decades, and Labour played catch up politics.

A bit more order, but still room for some good insults
Peter Dunne has given up on his annual list of worst-behaved MPs, saying Speaker Lockwood Smith's reign has ushered in a new era of propriety.

Williams angry at censorship of paper on Hide's travel
North Shore Mayor Andrew Williams is angry parts of Mr Hide's Cabinet paper on his controversial taxpayer funded trip were censored.

Lockwood Smith, PM top performers in pundit's rankings
Speaker Lockwood Smith has dethroned Prime Minister as 2009's top parliamentary performer, a newsletter claims.

Iwi may boycott Super City advisory board
Two iwi are considering boycotting a statutory Maori advisory board for the Auckland council.

Catching Oz not possible without slashing Govt spending - Brash
Govt spending would have to be slashed by $9 billion for NZ to catch Australia in the wealth stakes, Don Brash said today.

<i>2025 Report:</i> Brash comes up with predictable prescription
The 2025 taskforce report, on ways to catch up with Australia, presents radical suggestions to cut taxes and government spending.

Hide hands over cheque to repay travel discount
ACT leader Rodney Hide gives Parliamentary Services a cheque for nearly $12,000 as payback for the taxpayer funds he claimed to take his partner on overseas trips.

Hide's apology fails to satisfy public
Rodney Hide has said sorry, but the public still seem unimpressed at his use of MPs' perks.

'I'm sorry' - Hide
Rodney Hide apologises for his 'casual use' of taxpayers' money on holidays.