Tetraplegic model once planned to end her life in Switzerland
Claire Freeman once sought to escape pain until a happy accident improved her life.
Claire Freeman once sought to escape pain until a happy accident improved her life.
The PGF gave $4.6m to a Northland project Shane Jones declared a conflict of interest in.
The Shchetkova family have received support from MPs and the wider public.
Comment: You can't escape 'best of' lists. Here's one for MMP, rather than in FPP style.
School boards glad to lose "compliance" role so they can focus on students.
Cabinet Ministers were rated on their portfolio performance on a 1-5 scale.
Business growth is good for NZ, it grows jobs and income to help NZ grow.
Winston Peters is seen by business as the "most impressive" of the minor party leaders.
Andrew Little's justice reform could fall victim to 'hot button' politics.
The End of Life Choice Bill has received a record making 35,000 public submissions.
National and NZ First call for consultation on Seymour's policies on parliamentary seats
COMMENT: Act has the same issue all small parties have: the big parties.
COMMENT: National has been much more cautious in its attacks on Ardern than Seymour.
Seymour attacks Jacinda Ardern as a 'show Prime Minister' and Grant Robertson's 'weak'.
Like Elton John, Act leader David Seymour says he is still standing.
I've connected with more people through DWTS than years of talking about deregulation.
COMMENT: Like Rodney Hide before him, the Act leader's dance foray ends in ignominy.
National leader Simon Bridges made a last bid for votes in Northcote this afternoon.
Eight candidates are contesting the first byelection this term.
National says it will reverse any criminal justice.changes made by the Govt.
In the Northcote byelection Labour has closed the gap, and Act has some very bold plans.
Any law change on cannabis should consider the risks to young people, says researcher.
Housing Minister says Act leader is "fuelling people's worst prejudices".
More than 35,000 people have made a submission on a voluntary euthanasia law change.
Opposition attacks ruling, saying applications the only lifeline for charter schools.
Pro-charter school protesters are calling on PM Jacinda Ardern to keep them open.
The man behind the euthanasia bill heads to Whanganui to make his case.
Jacinda Ardern has been profiled on one of the USA's top-rating shows.
New Zealander of the Year Lance O'Sullivan is also featured in support of the bill.