Political football: Which New Zealand politicians would make the First XV?
With so much focus on the All Blacks, what about the best of NZ's politicians?
With so much focus on the All Blacks, what about the best of NZ's politicians?
OPINION: National's list has fallen victim to its unexpected success in the electorates.
Advance voting starts in just over three weeks and polling day is November 25.
How much parties, candidates and lobby groups shelled out to show up in your feeds.
As audiences go online so has political advertising, and it's a million-dollar enterprise.
OPINION: A focus on the positives after Labour's election loss in last HBT column.
OPINION: Three parties agree on defence and crime — not so tax and the Treaty.
Act leader hopes New Zealand First won't be needed to form a Government.
Luxon returns to home base to thank voters for their support amid coalition talks.
National may need Act and NZ First's help to form a government.
But the co-leaders are uncertain if they will be around for the full term.
Winston Peters remained silent as journalists plied him with questions upon his arrival.
The official election result will be declared on November 3.
OPINION: Luxon needs a coalition capable of solving the problems we face.
Meanwhile, Luxon presided over a celebratory caucus meeting.
OPINION: Act tells National, these are OUR bottom lines
The final election result will be declared on November 3.
As of today, Christopher Luxon doesn’t need Winston Peters. Time to make a deal.
Now that National looks set to govern, here's what they've promised to get rid of.
National will need to appease both Act and NZ First.
We should know the state of the Government within three weeks.
NZ First knows it needs to deliver for its anti-Covid response constituency.
Inflation and the fiscal deficit will remain big challenges for the incoming Government.
John Tamihere says don't count out another electorate seat swinging to Te Pāti Māori.
OPINION: There is already speculation about who might line up to replace Chris Hipkins.
OPINION: The divisions that must now be healed lie deeper than party disagreements.
More spending cuts could be needed to get a coalition agreement across the line.
The Labour MP is narrowly in front in the Te Tai Tokerau seat.
The Herald answers your questions on what happens now.
Final election results in three weeks’ time will determine what the Government looks like.