Special votes: Official General Election result is declared – what happens now?
The special votes may be counted - but machinations of the General Election are not over.
The special votes may be counted - but machinations of the General Election are not over.
The final count of special votes has come in three weeks after election night.
One veteran National MP is on the cusp of not getting back in.
OPINION: Suddenly, National thinks the new Grocery Commissioner should be given a chance.
OPINION: Could Winston Peters demand to be Deputy Prime Minister?
Carmel Sepuloni and Gerry Brownlee will go in his place.
Indigenous people's rights are not up for interpretation through a referendum, she says.
The three big objections facing the Act Part's plan.
The gang says the policies are “hot air and a waste of taxpayer time and money”.
Prime Minister-elect Christoper Luxon is standing fast on no Treaty referendum.
She believes Pākeha have also benefited from the Treaty.
The final and full election result is due to be released on Friday afternoon.
OPINION: Tackling crime in Opposition is easy - in government, less so.
OPINION: It puts re-balancing the economy firmly on the shoulders of younger generations.
Plus, a cryptic text from Winston Peters as speculation grows over coalition discussions.
OPINION: Christopher Luxon has been given ample reason this week to tread carefully.
Judge Frances Eivers believes 'a criminal response is not a solution'.
The Act leader wants the Monetary Policy Committee gone and the inflation target reduced.
A new Government always leads to a shift in the balance of property power.
OPINION: A solid foundation for the new Government.
Negotiations are progressing - what do the parties want?
Te Pāti Māori says voting was 'unpleasant' for some Māori, Electoral Commission disagrees.
Luxon is hammering out possible coalition arrangements with NZ First and Act.
OPINION: Politicians come and go, they have their moments in the sun then usually fade.
Luxon and Seymour will be integral in determining where New Zealand heads next.
National will open Labour's closet, revealing the skeletons inside.
It's been a week filled with election news.
Credit rating agency wary of National's plan for NZ's water infrastructure.
Bottom lines, priorities, and leverage - who holds the cards and how will they be played?
Shane Jones is challenging the notion that only the Māori version of the Treaty matters.