Pike River mine crisis: Five things you need to know (Day 4)
If you haven't got time to read all our in-depth coverage of the Pike River Mine disaster, here's a quick summary of five key things you need to know today.
If you haven't got time to read all our in-depth coverage of the Pike River Mine disaster, here's a quick summary of five key things you need to know today.
The families of the trapped miners are holding onto hope that their loved ones will emerge alive.
Police have officially named the 29 miners trapped in the Pike River coal mine on the West Coast since Friday.
Pike River says equipment such as robots could create sparks in a gaseous environment.
Testing of gas levels in the Pike River mine continued overnight, but the mine is still deemed too dangerous for a rescue attempt to be mounted.
Rescuers are on standby to enter the Pike River coal mine to bring out their brothers, and will go in at the slightest opportunity.
The Pike River coal mine board has rebutted allegations that money woes compromised safety at the mine.
Rescue workers, who have one of their own trapped in the Pike River coal mine, hope a hole being drilled in the mine tonight will reveal air samples allowing them to enter the mine.
A 24-year-old man has been arrested over the death of an elderly Wanganui woman in a hit-and-run yesterday.
Praying for a miracle, hundreds attended church services in Greymouth on Sunday morning.
There is a growing sense of despair among the families of the 29 miners who have been trapped at Pike River since Friday.
The hole being drilled by Pike River mine rescuers could allow the miners to communicate with people on the surface.
While residents gather and families worry, hospital staff and funeral directors prepare themselves for all scenarios.
International mining experts have raised concerns about safety issues at Pike River Coal which may have led to the explosion.
A second night passes with no word from the 29 trapped miners in the Pike River mine. Families cling to hope as experts fear the worst.